Getting started with Web 3.0

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”
                                                                                             ― Brene Brown

This Thursday (5th May, 2022), we had an awesome discussion during our community Discord event. The event was about "Getting started with Web 3.0". As previously stated, vulnerabilities in the current system gave birth to blockchain technology, and we discussed its application in future websites in this week's community convo. Check out what was discussed and how you too can learn, network, and grow as a professional.

What is Blockchain

A blockchain is simply an immutable distributed database that is shared among various computers acting as nodes of a network. Data storage using cryptography techniques is an emerging technology that is providing better solutions than existing ones.

Just a central server thing

The main benefit is the decentralization. At present, most of the databases are centralized. So if the central database goes down, everything comes to a halt.

Blockchain is the solution. If one node goes down, the whole database won't be compromised. A blockchain is never off-duty.

How blockchain works

lets see various steps involved in blockchain transaction

  • Facilitating - The information we want to send is first processed and encrypted. The idea is to protect information to be accessed by someone else other than the party for which it is meant. Also, while doing this, you provide a way for the world to know that the transaction is done by you.
  • Verification - After message is encrypted, message goes to all nodes where they can check if all conditions for transaction are met like is the node a registered one or sufficient balance available for transaction
  • New block - A large number of transactions are done at a time, and these transactions together make up a block. Depending on various blockchains, the size of a single block varies.
  • Proof of work - Now, to store our node on the blockchain, we need to verify it. Our node calculates a hash value, which should satisfy the conditions set by the server.
  • Adding block to the blockchain - Now our block is validated and its added to the chain of blocks, aka blockchain.
  • Transaction - After block is added, transaction takes place and is permanently stored on blockchain.

History of Web

History of web can be classified into different eras


Web 1.0

It was all about html pages and their hyperlinking. It was just for static content and no user interaction.

Web 1.0 - HTML + CSS, thats all

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 was a gamechanger

This era introduced two-way communication in websites. Now users can interact with websites and send/receive data. Users are encouraged to provide data, rather than to just consuming it. This is the present stage of most of the websites and have made human-web interactions engaging. This has given rise to concept of electronic identity with rise in social media platforms.

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 uses blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs to give power back to the users in the form of ownership. While web 1.0 is read-only & web 2.0 is read-write,  web 3.0 will be read-write-own.

Core principles of Web 3.0

  • Web 3.0 is decentralized - Distributed ownership between users
  • Web 3.0 is permissionless - Same level of access
  • Web 3.0 is trustless - Operates on incentives and economic mechanisms instead of relying on trust
Web 3.0 is the future

Different blockchains to build Dapp(s)

Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, Polkadot, Tezos, Binance smart chain and NEAR

Opportunities for developers

These are some of the roles required for a Web 3.0 project to succeed

  • Frontend Developer
  • Smart Contract Developer
  • Blockchain Dapp Developer
  • Backend Developer
  • Community Manager

How to get started?

The best way to get started is Ethereum documentation. You can also refer to awesome community resources that are absolutely free. There, you will find enough practical examples along with theoretical explanations. Well, here are a few resources:

Buildspace , Questbook, Web3university, Cryptozombies, etc.

It's high time to learn new skills and be a part of web 3.0 revolution. Create websites that act like humans and totally change the way websites used to be.

Read the T-shirt, Web 3.0, here we go!

I hope you liked it😊. Join us every Thursday for more such amazing events. we'll be waiting in the lounge. Come join our Discord now!

That's how we roll