Object Oriented Programming | This week at Invide #37 - Sep 11, 2022

It's not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it.
~ Seneca
πŸ”Ά Object Oriented Programming | Community event
πŸ”Ά Upcoming community event
πŸ”Ά Remote Jobs of the Week

Hello, Developers of Invide Community πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

Last week I talked about focusing on the 20% that drives the most (80%) of the results, ref. Pareto's Principle.

Object Oriented Programming | Community Event

So, when it comes to learning and practicing good software development. What are the top 20% of skills that produces 80% of the results? That's why we started working on those things which yield the best results. And Object-Oriented Programming is one of their (skills) when it comes to scalable and maintainable software development. It's also very important to consider interviews for senior software roles.

Object Oriented Programming has led to the creation of various new classes of software and tools. Java is one of the most famous programming languages where you start your code with a class. And from there onwards, everything becomes an object, mostly. Yes, and it also leads to the creation of Design Patterns, UML, and Low-Level Design. In the upcoming week, we'll be talking about Design Patterns themselves. So, join our Discord Server and be part of the weekly meetups.

So that's not it, there's more when it comes to OOPs. But that's a different blog for a different set of occasions.

Upcoming community discord event

Topic: Design Patterns (An Introduction)

When πŸ“…: Thursday, 22nd September 2022
⏲: 1530 UTC | 2100 IST
Invite Link for Discord: https://discord.gg/92q23kCad2

Quench your thirst for Work-Life-Balance with remote developer jobs

Senior Backend Engineer at ETH Global

Location: Global/Remote
Company: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ethglobal/
Skills: Typescript, Express, Prisma

Senior Backend Engineer at Polygon

Location: Global/Remote
Company: https://www.linkedin.com/company/0xpolygon/
Skills: JavaScript, Typescript, SQL

If you want to see more job openings, then check this blog πŸ‘‡

Top 10 remote developer jobs of this week - #030
Remote Software Developer jobs from EthGlobal, Polygon, Consensys, close, Clevertech, Strike, Iterative, Braintrust, Axoni &Chain

That's it for this week! See you next week, and yes please subscribe to this newsletter. Each week I write about all the activities from the remote developer community and bring the best remote jobs out there. And also join our discord server.

Tweet of the week