Design Patterns | This week at Invide #38 - Sep 18, 022

“Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems”
🔶 Design Patterns | Community event
🔶 Upcoming community event
🔶 Remote Jobs of the Week
🔶 Get your git game up with worktrees

Hey developers! 👋

Welcome to the other side of Software Development. While on the surface when people are exploring, MERN Stack, JavaScript, Python & Machine Learning. What's left is the important side, software architecture, design patterns, object-oriented programming, and scalable design.

So, we thought why not let the community members get a taste of core software development practices and work their way towards being a top 1% software developer.

What are design patterns? | Community Event

Every software development has come with common problems or say challenges that occur in each phase. Say, every e-commerce website has a cart, login feature, verification system, etc. in the same manner, they all must have some common design as well.

Design patterns are the common blueprint solutions to common development problems which anyone can use to solve those problems.

Why use design patterns?

Generally, design patterns are time tested and used on a large scale by a lot of companies to get from software planning & design to code rapidly. Allowing for shorter brainstorming sessions with greater results.

It also helps detect logical problems ahead of time and makes the code easy to maintain and refactor. With aiming to accelerate the software development process in general.

Benefits like these are what make design patterns and their knowledge very much desirable to a lot of companies. And knowing this makes you more hirable as well.

Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

Benefits like these, is what makes design patterns and their knowledge very much desirable to a lot of companies. And knowing this makes you more hirable as well.

Upcoming community discord event

Topic: Weekly Productivity Check

When 📅: Thursday, 29th September 2022
⏲: 1530 UTC | 2100 IST
Invite Link for Discord:

Top remote software developer jobs this week

Senior Frontend Developer at RECUR

Location: Global
Skills: React, JavaScript, TypeScript, HMTL, CSS3, UI Components etc.

Backend Developer at Stakefish

Location: Global
Skills: Familiar with Typescript and Node. Past experience with at least one of Python/C++/Java/Go/Rust.

For more such job opening check the blog below 👇

Top 10 remote developer jobs of this week - #031
Fully remote work from anywhere software developer jobs from companies: Brave, DuckDuckGo, Syndica, Hygraph, Slab, Atomic, Chain, Dapper labs & Assembly AI

Get your git game up with git worktrees

Git has been in the software industry for more than a decade now with a lot of features & commands and whilst most of the time simply knowing concepts like how to merge a branch, and how to rebase are good enough for everyday git workflow, there is something new to learn every day with git.

Once such feature is git worktrees. In this tutorial, we will learn about why & how you can get started with git-worktree, and by the end of this article, you will be able to change the way you work with git. 👇

Get your git game up with git worktrees
Git worktrees helps with working on multiple things at once in git. It is a better alternative to “git stash”. Learn how to use worktrees in your daily git workflow.

That's it for this week! See you next week, and yes please subscribe to this newsletter. Each week I write about all the activities from the remote developer community and bring the best remote jobs out there. And also join our discord server.

Tweet of the week