Top 10 remote developer jobs of this week - #042
Remote software engineering jobs from Coinmarketcap, Utopia Labs, Hiro Systems,0x Labs, Rift Finance, Strike,Web3Auth,Robusta Dev and AssemblyAI
Why should developers write a daily diary
Motivations behind writing daily diaries along with some examples of daily diary entries, tips to overcome the challenges in writing a daily diary and tools that make it easier.
Top 10 remote developer jobs of this week - #041
Remote Software Engineering jobs from companies: Pixelmatic, DuckDuckGo, Brave, Status, Swell Network, Deno, Uniplaces, Speron Network, Paradigm, and Binance
A developer's guide to achieve the Flow state faster
Being in the Flow state is rewarding and essential for developers. Instead of leaving it to luck, we can do some things and use some tools that can lead to Flow state faster and more often.
Top 10 remote developer jobs of this week - #040
Remote Software Engineering jobs from companies: NimbleRX, Utopia Labs, Scopic Software, Cere Network,, Chainlink Labs, Moralis Web3, LATOKEN, Syndica, and Clevetech
Creating An Undo Mechanism | The Memento Design Pattern
In this article, we will learn to create undo mechanism (or rollback mechanism) by studying the Memento Design Pattern.
Top 10 reasons why cloud data platforms can help remote workers
Cloud data platforms help remote workers through increased data security and improved workflow. This post discussed top 10 reasons how cloud data platforms are helping remote works.
Top 10 remote developer jobs of this week - #039
Remote Developer Jobs from companies: Lever, Truepill, Hashnode, Sourcegraph, Whatnot, Vizion, Trail Of Bits, Syndica, Latoken, and Iterative
Time blocking - the right way
By using time-blocking, you divide the work-week into manageable chunks that allow you to check email, work on projects, take breaks, or even work out. Here's how to do this more effectively.
Top 10 remote developer jobs of this week - #038
Remote Software Developer Jobs from Brave, Braintrust, AgSquared, Creable, DuckDuckGo, Solana Labs, Collective, Atomic Labs, and Syndica.Clevertech