Write for Invide community - Remote Dev Diary magazine for developers

Invide is a community of remote developers since 2016. If you want to write for our community magazine - Remote Dev Diary, email your pitch to editor@invidelabs.com

Topics we prefer

  • Open-Source projects
  • Any technology demo, tutorials, events, etc.
  • Explain like I'm five: {Any technology you want to explain}
  • Developer career
  • Remote work
  • Anything that intrigues developers or tech founders
AI generated articles without significant amount of additional insights are not accepted

Guest post guidelines

Once you're done with the content, come back to it after some time(at least couple of hours) and edit again using following key points

  • Read the post without visiting any link. Does it sound complete and delivers the value that was promised in the title? If answer is "No", and visiting any particular external  link seems to be essential, then include the key points of the knowledge that one would learn by visiting that particular link.
  • Write a conclusion with a call to action at the end
  • For long posts(1000+ words), do include table of contents
  • Original and unique content, do not plagiarize
  • Avoid using exclamation marks '!' (allowed only in rare cases)
  • Avoid adding links with low domain authority. You can check authority for any domain using this tool
  • Do not use too generic adjective such as amazing, awesome, etc. Use specific adjectives instead such as insightful, informative, scalable, etc.
  • Use H2, H3, and H4 headings to categorize sections and the key information. People who skim the content at first, they will be able to get an overview of the content by reading these headings. It also helps with SEO.
  • Use bulleted lists wherever it helps
  • Avoid making statements without the data or references to back it up. Story or anecdote form of content may skip this rule
  • Do basic SEO research and try to include a few relevant keywords
  • We prefer US English
  • Check the readability using Hemingway Editor
  • Finally check your grammar with Grammerly
  • Add a high quality feature image to the blog post
  • Submit for review in #share-your-blogs channel in the Discord community

Note: We allow adding links only for high quality references. In the editing process, we remove the links added for marketing purposes.

Once your article is approved and published by the editing team, you must not republish it on other site or blog. We take care of the distribution to make sure it reaches to maximum number of people who can benefit from it. The article will show you as the author and linked to your author profile. For special cases where you need to republish, you may request permission to do so from editor@invidelabs.com