
How we use automated testing to ship new releases with confidence

How we use automated testing to ship new releases with confidence

A beginner-friendly real-world example of testing node.js web applications. Engineers at Invide explain how they use Mocha, Chai, Sinon, etc. to test node.js applications. Code examples included.
11 min read
State Design Pattern

The State design pattern

State design pattern allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes at runtime. Read more to learn about how to it works and a code example.
5 min read
5 tech talks every developer must watch

5 tech talks every developer must watch

The best tech talks I have ever watched that meaningfully impacted my work quality and helped me as a developer and grow into leadership.
3 min read
The checklist you need to grow API adoption

The checklist you need to grow API adoption

You already understand how API economy can be a key strategy to drive growth for you as a developer or
1 min read
Writing API documentation that developers won't hate

Writing API documentation that developers won't hate

API documentation is the #1 factor that impacts the adoption of your APIs. If you want to grow the adoption
4 min read
How we built an engine that understands shallow work vs deep work

How we built an engine that understands shallow work vs deep work

Learn how we built an analytics engine that measures deep work accurately and humanly
8 min read