Top 10 reasons why cloud data platforms can help remote workers

In another post, Invide listed items that make remote work easier. Cloud storage is one of them, and it is an integral part of cloud data platforms.
Data platform and its cloud version
A data platform is a group of technologies that address the data requirements of a user or team. It's generally composed of different programs. Each of them specializes in specific data management tasks. A cloud data platform means that the tools in the group are running on the cloud. One application may be for storing data – such as cloud storage mentioned above. Another may be for analytics, then communications, and so on. Such tasks can be smooth and efficient thanks to advances in cloud technology. The modern cloud infrastructure known today developed in the '90s. It didn't take long before services got offered via the cloud. Salesforce is the first software-as-a-service (SaaS) to do this. By 2010, tech giants like Google and Microsoft had large cloud departments. These divisions focus on providing functionality to users. Google Sheets and Microsoft Teams are popular examples of their efforts. Tools like these form different cloud data platforms today. Remote workers all over the world use them on a daily basis. With that in mind, here are 10 reasons why cloud data platforms are helpful to remote workers.
1. Stronger data security
Cybersecurity remains a top priority for remote work teams. That's due to the inevitable need to share confidential information across networks. Cloud data platforms have an advantage in this aspect due to centralization. SC Media calls this strategy as 'unified data security'. Since all data is on a primary cloud platform, information security teams get fast access to necessary resources. These help them create solutions to mitigate or fight off threats. This unified approach also applies to other facets of security, such as user access and compliance to data regulations.
2. Better planning
Since tools and data are part of one ecosystem, remote workers can leverage these connections to plan projects better. Consider a sales pitch presentation or a planned product launch. You can get what you need on the cloud data platform to do the task.
3. Foster productivity
A previous article on Invide's team collaboration software discussed accountability, communication, and motivation. These are some of the main challenges in maintaining productivity of remote workers. Momentum by Invide aims to solve said challenges. A tool like this can integrate into a new or existing cloud data platform. It can complement the other applications and improve work output.
4. Real-time updates
As processes happen on the cloud platform, data gets updated in real-time. Remote workers can use the latest info to achieve more accurate and relevant results.
5. Efficiency through automation
Automation is a feature of many components and applications on cloud data platforms. Some examples that make remote work more efficient are: Invoice generation Server memory allocation Automated data feed for report dashboards
6. Upgrade flexibility
More projects mean remote work teams will need extra resources to sustain operations. A guide on MongoDB's data platforms explains that a cloud data platform can meet such needs. It's achieved by integrating the necessary upgrades seamlessly. For instance, the team may need more storage. Another scenario is the setting up a content management system (CMS). In any case, remote workers can get up and running fast.
7. Quality control
Since project data is on the same cloud platform, remote workers can access the same information without the need for duplicate files. Data consistency remains and changes or revisions get tracked easier.
8. Project continuity
FinSMEs mentioned continuity as an advantage of remote workers in a cloud-based setting. A good example is in-house and cloud storage servers. A serious issue in a traditional server might cause downtime, which is not the case for cloud servers. The latter are usually spread in different locations. Even if one cluster has problems, a backup location can maintain service for users.
9. Asset loss protection
In relation to the previous point, data assets are also protected. That's because cloud data platforms have many backup configurations. In case a remote worker's device malfunctions beyond recovery, the data is safe as it's stored on the cloud.
10. Savings
Cloud-based applications usually have different tiers when it comes to services. For instance, there's individual, team, and enterprise. A remote work team can spend only on what they need, especially if a tool is only useful for some members. You save money by following this "pay as you go" system.
Cloud data platforms help remote workers through increased data security and improved workflow. They also provide accessibility, and flexibility in scaling, maintenance, and costs. As cloud technology continues to improve, the cloud data platforms of tomorrow will only get better.
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