4-3-2-1 Monthly community updates [April edition]

Monthly roundup post of what all you have missed at Invide - Remote developers community this April.
4 Meetups, 3 Productivity Tips, 2 Remote Job Posts, 1 Book recommendation.

Hello developers!

How's it going? This April'22 at Invide we organized four meetups. Discuss ideas on learning, productivity, CI/CD, and personal branding. This post rounds up all the activity that happened at our discord server while adding some productivity tips, the latest remote job posts, and a book recommendation

4 community meetups we had this month

1. Staying productive as a software developer.

Maintaining peak productivity without burnout is a dream for many. Task management is a skill that anyone can learn. This was the core idea behind the meetup. We shared how we can improve our performance with tools and techniques often overlooked.

2.  Maintain learning while working as a developer.

A software developer's job is overwhelming. With the tech stack changing every year, new tools coming every quarter. During our session on learning while working, we came up with ideas, that allow us to tackle such challenges with ease.

3.  Getting started with CI/CD.

CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. It's a common practice in DevOps and used worldwide. We shared ideas on how to get started with, learning resources, and a presentation by our community member.

4. Develop your personal brand as a developer.

Personal Brand is a way how the people around you perceive you as. Developing a personal brand means changing your social image as you want to, with the means of content creation, ideas, public speaking, helping others, etc. In our session, we shared ideas on how you can build a personal brand and come up with cool ideas and tips for it.

3 top productivity tools & tips from community

Every week we share the best productivity tools & tips for software developers. Making our life easier.

  1. This blog covers a chrome extension for a better GitHub experience, a CSS layout generator, and a UI kit for faster frontend development by Himika.
  2. Managing your goals like a pro by Saurabh.
  3. Best software to boost your productivity. From video recording, saving your online content to sharing your code online. Read the blog by Himika.

2 top remote software jobs

Every week we share the top software developer jobs of the week. Our core team member Soham shares them in the form of a blog. Or if you are on our Discord server you can get daily updates.

  1. Top 10 Remote developer jobs of the week. #009.

2. Top 10 Remote developer jobs of the week. #010.

1 book recommendation by the community

Book of the month:

Deep Work by Cal Newport

Deep Work by Cal Newport.

Deep work is the ability to focus and work in a state called flow. Allows you to master trivial information in a short time span. This is a rare skill in our lives, because of the ongoing digital age. By not getting distracted and working in a flow state, the books share stories and ideas upon which anyone can achieve the phase of deep work.


Another blog that shares ideas on how to set goals for success in your life.

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