Pradeep Sharma ✔

Pradeep Sharma ✔

A passionate developer and entrepreneur
Power of reviews

Power of reviews

Our brains change everyday. We can use this fact to get more things done via weekly/quarterly reviews. > Why
2 min read
Grow as a developer, a career guide for 2025

Grow as a developer, a career guide for 2025

A detailed 5k+ words guide for developers to transition to the next milestone in career. Covering examples, steps, and resources for 21 types of opportunities
19 min read
List of companies hiring developers remotely from India, Full-Time

List of companies hiring developers remotely from India, Full-Time

A verified list of product companies that offer full time remote jobs to Indian developers and have 100% distributed team.
4 min read
Meet Pardeep, a young engineer who became #1 StackOverflow Angular India contributor with 50k+ reputation

Meet Pardeep, a young engineer who became #1 StackOverflow Angular India contributor with 50k+ reputation

Meet Pardeep. He's #1 contributor from India for Angular topic on StackOverflow. Invider Spotlight is a series of interviews with top developers from remote areas.
4 min read
Everything you need to know about ISA

Everything you need to know about ISA

A note for students, schools & investors on Income Share Agreement. An up to date research on benefits, risks, alternatives, strategies to challenges & future of ISA.
6 min read
Git Commit Show 2019 : When top developers met at the largest online dev conference from their home

Git Commit Show 2019 : When top developers met at the largest online dev conference from their home

A summary of what happened at Git Commit Show, the biggest online developer conference, organized by Invide. Highlights from Jun 22-23, 2019
8 min read
How I released an app within 20 hrs

How I released an app within 20 hrs

I released a scientifically designed personality test app which took only 20 hrs to build. End result was an app
7 min read
Notes on how founders can hire big by thinking big

Notes on how founders can hire big by thinking big

It takes only a few minutes to hire a perfect team member. Before I reveal the trick, you need to
3 min read
27 club : How our relationship with internet has changed the society

27 club : How our relationship with internet has changed the society

How relationship between people and internet has changed. And it's impact on society.
3 min read
Confession of an entrepreneur

Confession of an entrepreneur

Let me tell you a story. Last week, I missed workout for the whole week. I think back about all
3 min read