Technical writing and getting paid for it, top remote jobs, productivity tools for students and more — This week at Invide (Week 29, July Edition)

Announcing Technical Writing fellowship by Invide

Hello fellow developers!
Welcome to another post on what happened this week at Invide Remote Developers Community. I hope you are catching along, and you're not missing out on our weekly Invide community meetup events. Because if you are, then you're missing out on a bunch of important things like open ideas from different people, advice from senior developers, and remote job opportunities. Those who are in the discord server enjoy these benefits. And you should too!
This week, our discussion on Technical Writing, was pretty awesome. One amazing thing we discussed was, "How would you explain data structures and algorithms to a 5-year-old?"
We would love to know your answers, and if you can do that simply then try not to use the words, "data, structure, algorithm, process, store" and then explain. No technical jargon. Apart from this, we shared ideas on how to spread knowledge and improve our brand image by writing blogs and learning & documenting in public.

Upcoming Community Discord Event:
👀: Philosophy for Developers: Stoicism
📅: Thursday, 21st July 2022
⏲: 1530 UTC | 2100 IST
Invite Link for Discord:
This week's top remote software developer jobs are:
1. Front End Engineer at
Experience: 1+ Year
Skills: REST APIs, Webpack, SASS, React, Redux
Location: Anywhere (Global) 🌎
2. Front End Engineer at Decent
Experience: 1+ Year
Skills: React, Next JS, MongoDB, CSS
Location: Anywhere (Global) 🌎
For more opportunities check out this post below 👇

Best Productivity Tips for University Students:
There are numerous distractions for students out there, from Netflix to Instagram. It's challenging enough to start studying, but it becomes increasingly difficult to stay focused for extended periods.
So we bring to you top productivity tools, websites, and apps for college students to get back on track for this semester and never miss a deadline.
Notion is an amazing tool for organizing notes and other materials for a particular class. However, you can also use it to keep track of your obligations and classwork.

Obsidian makes note-making a very simple and efficient process. It allows you to make your notes in mark-down. You can easily add media, and embed files into it. You can inter-link pages.

For more such productivity tools and tips checkout the blog below 👇

This is it for the week! See you around : )
Member discussion