Successful self-publishing and the challenges of publishing a book: Hemant Rangan
> In this Talk, I will walk you through all the challenges I faced in my journey
of publishing my
Scope of data journalism for developers: Rangoli Agrawal
> I will be talking about why data is becoming a necessity in journalism. Those
with data skills/coding skills
Accelerating accessibility in a component-based world: Hidde de Vries
> Components have revolutionised the way we work, as they allow us to invent
wheels only once. Executed well, they
Github Actions + Kubernetes : The recipe to Level Up your software development skills: Karan Singh
> Every software developer wanders for developer productivity. What if i say as a
developer, the only commands you would
The Definitive Deep Dive into the .git Folder: Rob Richardson
> What's in the .git folder? How are commits stored? How do branches work? We'll
Creating a Personal Git Workflow: Ruth Ikegah
> Getting stuck on a git problem can be very frustrating, even more annoying when
you remember "oh I
Beyond responsive design: new and future media queries: Kilian Valkhof
> Responsive design turned 10 years old last year. Since then browser capabilities
have changed a lot, and they'
Leveling up as a Dev with content Creation: Pachi Parra
> When we choose to purse a career in tech, especially as a developer, we have to
accept that we