Top 21 Mac productivity apps
A list of top 21 most used MacOS apps as mentioned by developers in Invide remote developers community.
How to get more work done without BURNING yourself out
What is burnout, how to identify it and how you can deal with it as a developer.
How to finish work at sharp 5PM every day
How journaling can be used to leave the office or finish WFH at sharp 5 pm every day.
How to deal with imposter syndrome - for developers
If you are struggling with imposter syndrome and are looking for ways to overcome it, this blog is for you.
9 project management softwares for remote engineering teams
Project management software is software used for project planning, task management, document sharing, collaborating, time tracking, and efficient management of collaborators and resources in general.
This blog contains Wrike, Jira, Asana, ClickUp, Slack, Trello, etc.
Top tools and tips for developers - #015
Productivity tools and tips for developers. This edition covers a tool to summarize long articles fast, a productivity tip for better habits, and productivity tools for developers.
Top tools and tips for developers - #006
> "Until we can manage time, we can manage everything."
We understand the importance of time management, efficiency,
A mind-shift you need to avoid burnout
Burnout is an official medical condition(source: WHO) and 66% of remote worker have it. Here's 5 mind-shift tips to avoid it.
How to get your team to be productive Working From Home
We can fight coronavirus and increase team productivity at the same time
Almost all leaders & engineering managers agree to
Invide products that help techpreneurs win
These are the products Invide launched since 2016