How to avoid procrastination
8 best ways developers can avoid procrastination and the tools to do so
5 tech talks every developer must watch
The best tech talks I have ever watched that meaningfully impacted my work quality and helped me as a developer and grow into leadership.
Personal Branding for Developers
Background: Branding is a tool that adds additional value to any product or
service. It is a powerful concept that
Tips & tools to work from home (Updated 2022)
Learning from 6 yrs of working remotely and wisdom from 5 yr old community
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Power of reviews
Our brains change everyday. We can use this fact to get more things done via
weekly/quarterly reviews.
> Why
Meet Pardeep, a young engineer who became #1 StackOverflow Angular India contributor with 50k+ reputation
Meet Pardeep. He's #1 contributor from India for Angular topic on StackOverflow.
Invider Spotlight is a series of interviews with top developers from remote areas.
Git Commit Show 2019 : When top developers met at the largest online dev conference from their home
A summary of what happened at Git Commit Show, the biggest online developer conference, organized by Invide. Highlights from Jun 22-23, 2019
Why Our Developers Are The Chuck Norris Of The Tech World
...So in a month, we built the app and increased engagement by 43%. I forgot to mention a side-effect. We boosted the revenue by 6% with that. How Chuck-Norris of us.
So you want to be an Invider? Know what does it mean
Everything we do, we do working fully remotely and only with the highest of standards.
People tell us that it’s impossible and it their standards. We make it happen every single day. And we do it through the art and science called Invide Labs
7 must-read books for entrepreneurs and developers to succeed
List of books that every entrepreneur building a high-tech business must read